Save the date: March 22-24, 2022
The Applied Earth Observations Innovation Partnership (AEOIP) is pleased to announce its Spring virtual workshop on Integrating Remote Sensing Data for Land Management Decision-Making. The workshop aims to enable participants to build connections across the research-to-applications spectrum with subject matter experts from a variety of federal agencies and other affiliations, and to continue to promote interagency collaboration within the Earth Observations (EO) applications field. You can expect interactive panels and guided discussion sessions that will address how to improve research-to-operations pathways and highlight new tools and techniques to promote NASA EO data uptake toward fostering successful connections between data providers and data users. More details and registration information coming soon!
The Applied Earth Observations Innovation Partnership will host a series of monthly webinars during in Fall/Winter 2021-2022 to highlight available Earth Observation missions and data, demonstrate the utility of Earth Observation data to address land management needs, and share successful applications of Earth observations into operational land management decision-making. These webinars will set the stage for a meeting face-to-face in early 2022.
Webinar Series Details and Links
November 9-10, 2020: Virtual Ideas Forum
The Ideas Forum was a follow-on virtual meeting to the USFS-NASA Pitch Fest in June 2020. The goal of the Pitch Fest was to identify opportunities to advance the use of satellite remote sensing data to support land management decision support needs at the US Forest Service and other land management agencies. After the Pitch Fest, we had an extensive three-stage review process to help us downselect to 14 highly ranked ideas. The Ideas Forum aimed to provide help and guidance to the selected teams in establishing useful linkages with the right Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to begin moving their concepts closer to implementation. Our aim is to create a collaborative space where new relationships can emerge and where together we can develop innovative options for effective use of EO data.