2019 USFS – NASA Joint Applications Workshop: Satellite Data to Support Natural Resource Management
April 30 – May 2, 2019
The Geospatial Technology and Applications Center (GTAC), Salt Lake City, Utah
Day 1, April 30th
Session I: Setting the Stage
USDA Forest Service information needs
Soil moisture and hydrology Presenting: Raha Hakimdavar, USDA Forest Service
Vegetation structure and function Presenting: Carlos Ramirez, Vegetation Mapping and Inventory Group Leader/ USDA Forest Service
Emissions and flux Presenting: Grant Domke, CMS Principal Investigator/ USDA Forest Service
Early warning systems Presenting: Danny Lee, Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center
Data and tools (knowledge synthesis) Presenting: Kevin Megown, Resource, Mapping, Inventory and Monitoring Program Lead, GTAC
Session III: Overview of NASA’s Missions/Projects and Product Functionalities
NISAR mission overview and products Presenting: Sassan Saatchi, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
GEDI mission overview Presenting: Ralph Dubayah, GEDI Principal Investigator/ University of Maryland
CMS initiative overview Presenting: George Hurtt, CMS Science Team Leader/ University of Maryland
Break Out Exercises Round 1: Tools
Break out room 1:
ORNL DAAC’s Soil Moisture Visualizer (SMV) -Yaxing Wei, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) NASA Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)
Break out room 2:
OpenAltimetry —Amy FitzGerrell, National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) NASA Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)
HyP3 — Heidi Kristenson, Alaska Satellite Facility NASA Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)
Day 2, May 1st
Session IV: Applications of NASA Data for Natural Resource Management
SMAP soil moisture across different vegetation types and SMAPVEX 19 Presenting: Andreas Colliander, SMAP Science Team Member/ NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Operational wildland fuels assessments/mapping Presenting: Birgit Peterson, USGS EROS
Growth, removals, and management intensity Presenting: Randolph Wynne, Virginia Tech
Overview of a joint USFS-NASA partnership to estimate forest carbon stocks in interior Alaska by integrating field, airborne and satellite data Presenting: Hans-Erik Andersen, CMS Co-Investigator/ USDA Forest Service PNW Research Station Part 1 Part 2
NASA Disasters Mapping Portal Presenting: Jeremy Kirkendall, NASA HQ Applied Science’s Program
Session V: Breakout Panels to Discuss USDA Forest Service Information Needs, Gaps, and Plans to Close the Gaps
Session title: Opportunities and Challenges around Forest Soil Moisture Information
Opening presentation—Dara Entekhabi, SMAP Science Definition Team Lead/Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ann Arbor Forest Soil Moisture Workshop Report-out—Liza Jenkins, Michigan Tech Research Institute
Forest Soil Moisture Mapping/ Data Applications in the Forest Service— Cynthia West, Executive Director Office of Sustainability and Climate/ USDA Forest Service
Break out room 1—Web interface data access
VERTEX—Heidi Kristenson, Alaska Satellite Facility NASA Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)
Day 3, May 2nd
Break Out Exercises Round 3: Scenario-Based Data Processing and Analysis
Breakout room 1: What is the trend in soil moisture? How does this compare to regional trends?
Analysis in Python —Yaxing Wei, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) NASA Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Applications —Heidi Kristenson, Alaska Satellite Facility NASA Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) ·
Cloud Analysis using PODPAC —Marc Shapiro, Creare LLC